Along with the book Clown of God, we did an in-depth study of the renaissance period and specifically, Leonardo da Vinci. We read Leonardo's Horse by Jean Fritz and the Magic Tree House Research Guide for Monday with a Mad Genius as a part of this study. Most of the material came from homeschoolshare, but some came from a free lapbook I had downloaded to my hard drive.
We first discussed when the Renaissance period was and what it meant. We talked about the architecture, food and clothing of that time. Then we talked about some of the artists of that time. This led into a detailed study of da Vinci. As we studied him, we discovered that he was more than a great artist - he was also an architect, a scientist and an inventor. We looked at 4 of his paintings and analyzed them. Here are pictures of the final result:
Other Renaissance period inventions were the clock, glasses, telescope/microsope and the printing press.
The Renaissance period began in Italy.
Da Vinci was left handed and wrote backwards so that he wouldn't smear his writing in his notebooks.
Other artists of that time were Raphael, Michelangelo and Verrocchio.
The boys kept their own art gallery to go along with our study of da Vinci's works of art. The following are the portraits they drew after studying Mona Lisa.
After looking at the Annunciation, they were to draw a picture that portrayed some kind of emotion/feeling:
After looking at the Last Supper, they were draw their own landscape or perspective picture.
We compared two painting of Virgin on the Rocks. One version is in Paris, France and the other is in London, England. The two paintings are similar, but there are differences. Here are the things Alex noticed that was different between the two: