Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Names of Jesus - Day 2

The Good Shepherd
Like the Alpha and Omega, the Good Shepherd is also a self-given name of Jesus. Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd who lays his life down for his sheep (us) in John 10:11.

I hid 15 cotton balls in our dining room/school room and the boys were "shepherds" searching for their sheep. They found that some sheep like to get into some pretty tight places. :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Names of Jesus - Day 1

For Advent this year, we are reading Jotham's Journey as a family.

For our unit study leading up to Christmas, we are studying the names of Jesus using this website and our recent copy of The Old Schoolhouse magazine.


I would like to post each day what name we study - but might not get to it every day. I will get them all on here eventually.

Day 1

Alpha and Omega
Copy Rev. 22:13
Talk about the 2 Greek letters - alpha and omega and talk about how circles are never-ending - just like Jesus has always been and always will be.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Geography Fair

Our annual co-0p Geography Fair was the last of October.  Alex chose Vietnam this year because his grandparents visited there earlier this year.  Also, his grandpa served during the Vietnam War in Vietnam.  He (and I) had a lot to learn about the war and we had fun doing it.  Nicolas chose New Zealand because that's a country he would like to visit one day.  It's a beautiful country and I don't think I would mind going with him when he goes.  (smile)

On the left is a Vietnamese dress, then his board (which is detailed more below), he had a power point of pictures taken by his grandparents while they were there.  We made a shrimp and dip dish from Vietnam for people to try (along with recipes for people to take home.)  We displayed a few books we had here and a couple from the library.  Below you'll see more pictures from his table.  The flag is what he had asked his grandparents to purchase for him while they were there (instead of a T-shirt or toy.)

The left side of the board is all about the Vietnam War and the War Memorial Wall in Washington, DC.  The top left of the middle section is a graph comparing the land area and population of Vietnam with Indiana.  Below that is more about water buffalo, which the Vietnamese use for farming.  To the right of that is all about Tet - the Vietnamese New Year.  Above that is about Buddha.  Buddhism is one of the main religions of Vietnam. (Catholocism is the other main religion.)  Above that is a short biography of Ho Chi Mihn - the communist leader during the war.  The right side of the board has a time line, temperatures and maps.

Alex made the bamboo farm hat.  He also displayed dong (money), chopsticks,  and the red book includes stamps.

An activity - see what you can pick up with the chopsticks.  We put dry beans, dry macaroni and uncooked rice in the bowl.

This is made with eggshells by handicapped Vietnamese people to earn money.

O-lang is similar to the game Mancala.

Tom Cong Nuam (Shrimp with sauce)

On the far left is a game (detailed below), there are several toys and books that belong to a missionary family home from New Zealand, he had displayed a couple of books about New Zealand, there is a puzzle of the flag for guests to put together, we had a bowl of kiwi fruit, Pavlova dessert (a dessert that both the Aussies and Kiwi people claim they created), a YouTube video of the New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks, doing the Haka, a Maori war dance, a Maori kite Nicolas made and his board (detailed more below).

On his board, the left panel has a time line, a map of Captain Cook's first journey to New Zealand, and a map of New Zealand.  The middle board starting on the top left has more information about the Maori tribe - a polynesian group that first inhabited New Zealand and some words in the Maori language.  Below that is a temperature chart showing the average temperatures for each month.  We especially noted that July and August are their coldest months.  The the right of that are the logos of the professional rugby and cricket teams and pictures of their money.  Above that are pie graphs comparing the land area and population of New Zealand to Indiana.  It was interesting to note how much bigger their country is than our state, but how many more people there are in Indiana!  Above that is more information on the kiwi bird. The right panel has information on their farm products and industry.

You can see the kite better in this picture.  The Maori people believed that kites were the way to send messages to their gods.

This is our version of Pavlova.  It didn't quite turn out like it was supposed to, but it was still good.  It is topped with Kiwi fruit and Passion fruit.

The people that live in New Zealand are called Kiwis, the bird is a Kiwi bird,and the fruit is called Kiwi fruit.

New Zealanders use many slang terms- some that are also used in Great Britain (since many of the people are of British descent.)

Here are some pictures from the other countries represented:

And here's a picture in the middle of the fair with our guests: