Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lightning Larry lapbook

Here are pictures from our Lightning Larry lapbook.  We didn't end up doing all that I wanted to do with the lapbook, but since we are shortening our weeks during August, we ran out of time.

Inside of Alex's above,  Nicolas's below.

Alex's tall tales and Alliteration books opened.  We changed the names of the character's in the book from "bad" names to "good" names since the cowboys became good after Lightning Larry shot them with the lightning bolts.  Dismal Dan became Daring Dan, Stinky Steve is not Steady Steve, Lousy Luke is Lovely Luke, Moldy Mike is Mighty Mike, and Creepy Cal is now Cool Cal.

Nicolas's Past and Present and Alliteration books opened.  Again the names were changed: Dismal Dan - Daring Dan, Stinky Steve - Stuffed Steve, Lousy Luke - Likes Luke, Moldy Mike - Mighty Mike, Creepy Cal - Care Cal.

All of the above finish Alex's book.  Below finish Nicolas's

1 comment:

  1. It looks great, friend!

    You are kicking my butt on the blog posts! LOL

    I have LLL Lapbook just sitting here...waiting to be posted. Waiting to post field trip pictures...waiting to post pictures from Elijah's Backyard Birds notebook.

    I am really slow!

    I have really enjoyed reading all your posts! Great job! I hope that schedule works out for you.
