Monday, November 3, 2008


We finished up this spiderweb craft last week.  We used Elmer's glue, black construction paper and pastels.  The boys enjoyed it.

Nicolas's above.  Alex's below.

Then, for co-op today, we talked about our skeletal system.  They made these macaroni skeletons.  I was also teaching a lesson during the time they did these, so I'm not sure if they enjoyed doing it or not - or even how hard it was.



Whether or not they enjoyed the craft, I think they look pretty neat!



  1. That's great that you are moving on to coral reefs. I think we are NOT moving on to coral reefs. I can't handle it. I need to get him going on an INDEPENDENT project. Is that possible? ;) Ami

  2. Oh, and I wanted to say SUPER COOL that you made those spider webs. Nicolas actually told me all about it at co-op while I was helping him with his skeleton. ;)
