Monday, June 23, 2008

Stars and Starfish

We are doing a ladies bible study at church using the book "You Matter More Than You Think" by Leslie Parrott.  She shares several of her poems in that book and I wanted to share this one.  I may even type it up and frame it in the house somewhere.

 A star and starfish
To be very much alike
At a glance
And so do, I suppose
We, two.
Yet, how sad
If I should try
To persuade you,
A brilliant shining
From the sky,
Leaving only dark, no glow
To brighten summer nights
Or sparkle diamonds on twilight snow
But neither shall
I be torn
From laughing waves
And splashing sand
On a pale and misty morn.
So I shall swim
And you shall shine
Our very essence
From the same design.

She then states "'Star' and 'starfish' have become a kind of code between (them), uttered by either side to acknowledge the fact that (they) are indeed different."



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ant Farm - FINALLY

We sent away for our ants a couple weeks before we did the unit on Truman's Aunt Farm.  They finally came this weekend.  We have been watching them work.  I'm not sure yet if I'm going to have them do any worksheets or activities about ants.