Monday, October 20, 2008

Leah's Pony lapbook

The book Leah's Pony is about a girl's family who lived at the time of the depression in a dust bowl state.  It talks about the trials of a farmer at that time - dust storms, grasshoppers eating their crops, no money to pay the bank so they had to auction their belongings.  We checked out a book from the library about the dust bowl and it had pictures taken of some storms.  We really spent some time discussing the depression and being resourceful - re-using things that we might normally throw away.  Here are pictures of their lapbooks.

As you can see, we talked about grasshoppers, sacrifice, alliteration, plants, wind, and their copywork was a poem about wind.  I don't think you can read the poem, so here it is:

Who has seen the wind?  Neither I nor you.

But when the leaves hang trembling low, the wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?  Neither you nor I.

But when the trees bow down their heads, the wind is passing by.

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