Monday, January 19, 2009

Haven't posted for awhile...

Okay.  Here is what we have been up to lately.  BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!

School - The boys continue with their regular studies, we continue with co-op activities.  After coming back from break, we eased into school slowly.  Monday, the 12th, we had our first co-op meeting since the beginning of December.  We read a book called My Rows and Piles of Coins which takes place in Africa.  I decided to not focus on Africa with this book, but rather to focus on money.  My boys LOVE money.  We discussed saving money, read a book on the history of money, and I brought out some old money that Ryan and I have been collecting.  We talked about savings bonds, savings accounts, how a checking account works, difference between debit and credit cards, etc.  We are taking a field trip to the local credit union on Wednesday.  (Hopefully I will have some pictures for you then.)  This week the boys are doing their own lapbooks on Star Wars.  It will be interesting what they come up with.

Home - We are in the process of remodeling Ryan's grandfather's old house to move into it.  We are taking every spare moment we have to get things done there.  Right now the bathroom is priority and it is taking longer than expected.  I need to be packing things in the house - there's laundry and dishes to do.  The Wii is calling my name.  (HA)  I am planning some things for next school year.  (I know it's early, but I have to plan early so I can decide what I need to buy when we go to convention and how much money to save up for that.)

I will try to get some neat pictures of the things we are doing this week up later in the week.

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