Friday, January 11, 2008

Field trip day!!!

It was soooo nice this week to only have 4 days of "home" school and take day as a field trip day.  Minnetrista Center in Muncie had a program, "It Stings Your Toes and Bites Your Nose" on winter survival.  We talked about hibernation of animals and how frost effects plants.  Also, how does the winter weather effect humans?  We started out with a professor from Ball State speak to us about hibernation and show us a real live bat!  We got to touch it and he showed us the wings.

Then we got to see more animals - a brown snake and a box turtle.

Each child made a greenhouse to show that when the soil is warm, the water in the soil doesn't freeze and when the air around the plant is warm, it will grow.  Then they experimented with ice and salt.  What happens to the ice when salt is placed on it?

Here's the result!


Something unexpected:

When we went upstairs, I couldn't believe one of the exhibits!

An entire room dedicated to Anne Frank.  We walked around the room and looked at pictures of her family's secret apartment and family and looked at a timeline of events. One corner was called the Memory Room.  After reading all about Anne's life, guest can write a note about what her life meant, what they feel about the war, or any other thoughts they have and tape it to the wall.  Each of my boys wrote a little something.



  1. What a great field trip, I would have really enjoyed the room that was dedicated to Anne Frank! Sherry

  2. That is too cool! I totally knew about that Anne Frank exhibit, but I didn't think about it being a good tie in to your study of The Holocaust.

    God is so good to give us these unexpected learning moments! :) Ami
