Monday, January 21, 2008


John came over and talked with us about his experience riding in the Iditarod in 2000.  We had talked last week about how the northern route is used in even years, and odd years - the southern route.  Alex remembered that information and knew that the year John was there, they raced the northern route.  John rode from Anchorage to the first stop, Yentna station.  (That's one day.)  He brought pictures to show us of the Iditarod banquet in Anchorage, the starting of the race in Anchorage and some pictures along the trail.  He had beautiful pictures of the glaciers in the bay.  The dogs that were used on his sled were Malamutes, but he could not remember the lead dog's name.


Alex wearing a worn dog bootie he brought home.

Nicolas wearing his musher hat. (It was a little big.)

It was a good talk and we learned a lot.  The musher he rode with was Aaron Burmeister.  We will be sure to watch some coverage of the Iditarod in March this year and watch for Aaron and his placing.


  1. I had forgot that John was there. What a great idea to have him come over!

  2. What a great visit, The Iditarod has always sounded so adventerous and exciting, how neat to know someone who was in it. We have never really studied about it, we will have to put that on our list of things to watch for in March.

    BTW, I included this post in my little "winter carnival" on my blog. Thanks for posting.

  3. huchingsonhomeschoolJanuary 27, 2008 at 11:08 AM

    Are you going to follow the Iditarod this year? I heard there is a yahoo group where you can pick a dog to follow.
