Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Whiter than snow...

Two entries in one day of things I have learned recently.  I thought this blog was supposed to be about what the boys are learning!!  (LOL)

I have this book (and since I collect snowmen - I had to get the book :))  There are short stories, verses and quotations in it.  Once in awhile, I will pick it up to read short parts of it and get inspiration.  I wanted to share a story I read.

The Little White Puppy

A little girl received a new white puppy for Christmas.  She loved the puppy with all her heart and played with it for hours every day.  "You are so white," she would often tell the puppy.  "You are whiter than anything in this entire house."  One morning, the little girl woke to find that the ground outside was covered with freshly-fallen snow.  With great delight, she put on her snowsuit and gloves, took her puppy in her arms, and ran outside to build a snowman.  When she had finished her snowman, she sat back in the snow to admire here handiwork, while the little puppy scampered around nearby.

As she watched, her eyes lit up with a flash of revelation.  "Why little puppy," she exclaimed, "compared to my snowman, you are not as white as I thought you were.  My snowman is the whitest thing I have ever seen!"

This same principle is true in our lives.  We may think our hearts are pure and white because of the good things we do or the nice things we say.  But when we compare our "whiteness" to the purity of Jesus Christ, even the whitest heart cannot come close.  Jesus is the only One who can truly make our hearts whiter than snow.


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