Friday, October 30, 2009

Human Body - Day 11

Digestion and taste.

We finished up our lapbook of the human body today.  We talked about how our food gets broken down in our mouth by our teeth and saliva, then goes to the stomach for further break down.  Then we followed the path through the small and large intestines and out of the body.

Large version for our wall.  And a small version for our lapbooks.

We continued our discussion of the 5 senses with taste.  We looked at our taste buds and where our tongue tastes bitter, salty, sour and sweet.

Interesting facts about digestion.

You can only see the reflection of the pencil markings, what we labeled on the tongue.  In the back is the bitter, then on the sides beginning in the middle is the sour then the salty in front of that.  The sweet is in the very front tip.

We read a scholastic book about Healthy Eating and talked about the food pyramid.  I found this food pyramid online that we printed on cardstock, put it together and filled it with a healthy snack (Honey Nut Cheerios.)

They had the back side of the last page blank and we were done with what I had planned, so I decided to have them copy the first part of Jeremiah 1:5 for the final page.  I think it summed up the entire study well.  "Before I formed you in your mother's body, I chose you.  Before you were born I set you apart to serve Me." (New International Reader's Version)

(Sorry the pictures are hard to see, pencil doesn't photgraph well with my camera.)

And finally, the cover:

I did not have a unit study planned for next week, and even though our lapbooks are done, I still have a few things from the library that we have not had a chance to look at.  So, next week we will be finishing up the study with 2 books - Living with Blindness and Living with Deafness.  I also have a DVD I checked out that talks a little about cells and genetics.  We won't watch the entire thing but will hit these 2 topics. 

So our Human Body unit study will end up being 12 days long.  We didn't go into much detail with anything.  There is so much more in Blood and Guts that they could learn.  Then next time it gets pulled out will probably be for individual study later in their studies.

Thanks for following our journey. 


  1. clap, clap, clap :-)

    great job!!! :)

    :) Ami

  2. Oh my goodness, you did a great job with your human body studies. I'm sooo stealing bunches of your ideas :)

    Kathy D.

    (oh, and I'm adding you as a friend so I can steal more later ;) )
