Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Human Body - Day 8

We began this week with exploring our senses.  Today was the eye.  We read in the Blood and Guts book and the Usborne Understanding your Senses book about the eye.  We did a couple of experiments. 

One was using the Usborne book to find our blind spot (which is where the optic nerve attachs to the retina.) 

Another was using a paper rolled up like a telescope and looking at it through one eye while looking at our other hand with the other eye.  As you move your hand away from your eye, you see a hole in your hand.  This is because each eye is seeing something different and our brains put the two images together.  This is why we can see in 3D as opposed to animals like a bird that do not use both eyes to look at the same object.

We looked at different diseases of the eye and simulations of each.

This one is macular degeneration.  We also saw near sightedness, what it looks like for people who need bifocals, glaucoma, and cataracts.  (These simulations I found off the internet.)

We talked briefly about the parts of the eye, but will go into greater detail when we dissect a cow's eye.  The plan is to do this tomorrow, but we may start this evening so Dad can be involved.  None of us are sure about this dissection.  They eye should be less gross than anything else.

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