Thursday, October 15, 2009

Human Body - Day 3


After reading about our muscles in the Blood and Guts book, we did facial calisthenics to work our muscles.  We discovered that when we move, there are 2 muscles at work - one is contracting and the other is relaxing.  Then we chose to make a model arm.  Ours didn't work like it should've because we used round balloons rather than long balloons.  It was a cool experiment anyway.

We learned some of the names of the muscles, like pectorals, deltoids, biceps, triceps, and quadriceps.  There are over 600 muscles in our bodies.

There are 3 types of muscles - skeletal (the ones attached to our bones that make us move), smooth (like our lungs and stomach - involuntary muscles), and cardiac (our heart). 

We also learned where the smallest (inner ear), largest (butt), most active (eyes) and strongest (jaw) muscles are in our bodies.

Tomorrow begins the circulatory system and the heart.

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